On your first visit, we’ll take you on a quick tour of the shop and you’ll sample a few wines we have on hand so you can pick your favorite. When you pick your favorite (or favorites) we’ll get you started on your wine kit. You’ll add yeast and other ingredients (like water or oak, depending on your wine) and stir it up! Then your wine gets a ticket that shows the best times to come back for your three remaining steps.
Your “must” needs to be moved! Must is what we call wine that is the process of going from juice to wine. All you need to do on this short visit is transfer the container your wine is stored in, and depending on your wine, add a few more ingredients. A bit of stirring, then leave it in our storage until your third visit.

During the winemaking process, sediment forms. In the filtering step, we’ll make sure you won’t end up with that in your bottles of wine. Then comes the best part – the first sample of your wine!
It’s a good day for a party. Many of our customers love to bring friends and food for their bottling day. Sample your wine, adjust the sweetness (if you made a white or blush) and prepare yourself to enjoy the wine you made! This is a five-step bottling process: rinsing bottles, filling and corking them, adding shrink caps and labels.
What’s in that bottle? Use our labels or design your own. You can bring in a flash drive or email the file ahead of time and your labels will be ready when you come to bottle.